This blog was created as an outlet for my thoughts on how the adult generation influences young people, and the importance of sending the right messages to the next generation of Leaders.

My goal is to get people to think critically about life, through the context of sports,"



Saturday, August 30, 2008

Reflections of A Father

Matthew 10:33 "Who ever denies me before men, I will also deny before my father who is in heaven"

The day has finally arrived the day my daughter finally left home for college,this time of the year thousands of young people are going through this same experience, but what make this case unique is that she's moving to the campus where I work. Not only will she be a student, but she will also play basketball, the sport her dad coaches, can you see the interesting dynamics that we both tried to avoid? I haven't coached her since she was 9 years old, but here we are facing a dilemma that is sure to be a challenge for both of us. I've already noticed how quickly she like her siblings at various times in the past is trying to distance herself from the connection to her dad. This is a very common occurrence for my children especially my sons, they want to prove that they got to where they are on their own merit and that I had nothing to do with it. The love of a father is critical for the development of young people and I know my children love me and I them even if the words are seldom spoken, and growing up the relationship between my father and I was vastly different than the ones I've developed with each of them. So I try to understand their perspective, however its perplexing at times to witness them make every effort to down play their association with their father.

My children have experienced some benefits as a direct result of being my child that others can only dream of, tickets to sporting events complete with locker room access, entrance into social functions, travel and the opportunity to attend one of the best private colleges in the country. My prayer is that one day they'll learn to appreciate the sacrifices endured to pave the way for them and the respect I've earned in doing so; took many years to achieve. This recent experience of helping my daughter move into her dorm room caused me to stop and reflect on the following, how many people are like my children when they experience blessings in their lives, get that opportunity they desired, the promotion at work or financial increase and yet try to distance themselves from the affiliation or connection to the "Heavenly Father". They place more emphasis on what others may think and crafting the perception of a self made person who made it by their own accord, through hard work , perseverance and talent with little or no assistance. I imagine at times God must feel like I do, proud to see his children mature, gain a sense of independence, enjoying the fruits of his labor and the burdens he bore only to have them do their best to keep their relationship with him private. As a parent it's my responsibility to provide for my children and I take that commitment seriously and if some perks come along with that, so be it. Hopefully as they continue to grow and develop into productive citizens and one day start families of their own they'll fully comprehend what it means to have a good name and how important the right associations are in opening doors for the next generation.

©2008 Tony Price Unlimited, LLC

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Magic of Black Men

"The Impact of seeing positive Black Men"those prophetic words kept ringing in my consciousness as I drove home after completing my second basketball clinic in 3 days. Over a 3 day span I had the pleasure of interacting with 200 inner city youths, teaching, speaking, laughing and having an overall great experience. A common theme ran as an undercurrent while teaching the participants the fundamentals of the game, the importance of them seeing black men in roles that counteracts the media's constant bombardment of negative portrayal and stereotypes. The awareness of this initiative is nothing new, but it's value can't be underestimated. As a basketball coach I was not surprised at the turnout of young people who came to the clinics, as I wrote in an earlier article "Sports The Unspoken Drug of the Black Community" about the powerful stronghold sports has on the community. The role of Sports in the black community is sacred, and too many of our future leaders and change agents think sports or entertainment are the only keys to unlock the doors of opportunities.

Yet there is something mystical that takes place when you are in the midst of these great minds. I can't really explain it in words, but there is a spirit coupled with a light of internal optimism and trust that shines within their eyes. This is the stage of their lives when they are the most vulnerable, receptive and influenced. I really treasure the girls and young woman who attend the clinics, there will never be a shortage of boys at sports clinic especially basketball, but the importance of having female participation can't be overlooked, our young sisters have to overcome a lot to participate in sports, many of them want to play but don't have the opportunities the boys have , they have to avoid the pitfalls of drugs,alcohol and pregnancy, often times they help raise younger siblings, can't find enough girlfriends interested in sports, not encouraged to play because it will make them too masculine, etc.
Quite a few of these young woman, have no meaningful relationships with their fathers or have been hurt by men they trusted including family members, not just the playa's, gangstas or thugs. So when I interact with them on the court I make a concerted effort to engage them with the balance of a disciplinarian to motivate them to work harder and not expect anyone to give them preferential treatment because of their gender, and blend that approach with the gentle touch and words of encouragement that comes from a father or uncle,(not ready to be a grandfather yet). This is an opportune time to show them that there are men in the community who love them unconditionally and not trying to "Get at Em"

The longer I'm in the athletics business the greater my appreciation grows and the realization of how blessed I am to be in a position to effectively change the lives of so many ,even if it's just for a day! I tip my hat to the hundreds of black men who are making a difference in the community with no fan fare or positive media coverage, keeping taking back the community one child at a time, when black men step up and give back the effects on young people are simply Magical!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

T.P.C (3 Words to unlock your Destiny)

Proverbs 18:31 "Death & Life are in the power of the tongue"

Translation words that are spoken, written and received are powerful . As a coach no one understands the impact of words more than I. I have personally witnessed the impact words (positive & negative) can have, particularly on young people. All across the world coaches are either lifting up or tearing down someones dream, this is a great responsibility that should not be taken lightly. It should be noted that coaches are not just athletic personnel, they can be parents, teachers, supervisors, mentors, and older siblings. Over the next couple of weeks I will be sharing from a series I've put together over the years titled "A Coaches Words" this is a collection of motivational affirmations that I've come up with based on my own personal experiences, sermons, casual conversations and literature. I often share these with athletes, youth groups, ministries and others when invited to speak at events. Let me start off by saying that TPC doesn't stand for Tony Price is Cool or TP's Chill as the youngsters say.

Talent- These are the gifts you were born with(you did nothing special to obtain them) you came pre-wired with them interwoven into your fabric. Your talent often lies within things that come naturally to you, things that others admire or have to practice for hours to become competent. i.e singing, organization and athletic ability. Your talents are often discovered when you engage in activities you have a passion for.

Purpose- This is the reason why you have the talent(s), they were meant for you to fulfill a plan and to share with the world. For instance let's take the talent of singing, there are lots of people who call themselves singers(some really can carry a tune, while others?). Once people discover they have the gift of singing, they must then decide what type of music they are led to sing (R & B, Soul, Country, Classical, Opera). It is here that they must ponder the impact they'd like for their musical gifts to have on those who hear, gospel singers realize their voices are instruments designed to create an atmosphere of praise and worship.

Calling- This is the place or physical location where you exercise and display your gifts for the reasons you have discovered. Your calling could be your place of employment, neighborhood, church, city, on a team, etc Someone who is gifted in teaching, realizes their purpose is to educate, enlighten and empower others in their specific area of expertise, the place where they display their talent for its purpose could be a classroom, board room, football field or a recreation center.

I conclude by explaining that the first 2 letters (T & P ) will never change, you will take them with you when you pass away, but the "C" calling is the area that requires the most flexibility, often times the place where you currently are may be temporary or not the location where you can be most effective. As you develop your talents and mature into the understanding of your purpose, you will experience a series of callings(places) Keep an open mind!

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